Founded in March of 2013 by Artistic Director Matthew Ozawa, Mozawa is an incubator for collaborative art and artists that, through hybridity and fusion, aims to break down the barriers that exist between differing artistic media and cultures. Mozawa builds unique productions that highlight the commonality of what it means to be human. Using a collaborative process to generate art with diverse artists from a variety of artistic disciplines and cultural backgrounds, Mozawa's work blends the artistic boundaries between theatre, music, opera, film, visual art, dance, fashion, and design. Mozawa artists hail from across the United States and around the world.
Photography: Christopher Fleck
Logo Design: Dominique Ahkong (Singapore) & Satoko Tomizawa (Japan)
Mozawa is an incubator for collaborative art and artists based out of Chicago that seeks to break the barriers that exist between differing artistic media and cultures. We create art across boundaries through an incubation collabortive process, fusing together a diverse array of artistic minds from our global network. Through visceral theatrical events, we challenge our audiences' perception of the world in which they live.
Our artworks are creative and cultural hybrids. By this, we mean that each of our art works will be a hybrid of at least two different artistic forms and/or the stories, aesthetics, or viewpoints of two different cultures.
We collaborate in a series of four interconnected, concentric circles: 1) We create within a collaborative artistic atmosphere; 2) We collaborate between artistic disciplines; 3) We partner with other artistic organizations in the creation of art works; 4) We engage with a variety of local, regional, and international communities. As part of this ethos, Mozawa artists work with generosity, kindness, and a sense of fun.
Mozawa seeks to transform both our audience and ourselves as artists. Our goal is to wake people up and expand the understanding of the world and our place within it. We aim to break barriers by challenging perception and our expectations of what is considered theatrical.
We aspire to produce works of the highest level of aesthetic and artistic unity, creating a total experience for the audience and artists.